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1. Identity Genocide. Genocide was that inescapable, ever present force, molding generations of Armenians into angry victims; memorializing and venerating murder and murderers by prescribing a higher purpose; calling revenge justice while slowly poisoning their souls. This same genocide had loomed over Karo his whole life.  Genocide had killed his ancestors.  Genocide had displaced his family.  Genocide had determined where he was born.  Genocide defined his politics.  And most of all, genocide had shaped his identity. Later in life, in one of his quieter, more contemplative moments, Karo would recognize this truth about himself and try to imagine a life free of its influence. He could not. 2. Verity When Karo was younger he used to make it a point to wake up early and take a detour to the town square whenever a public hanging was announced. Those were special days, where the ire and hatred of an entire people would come together, focusing their energy onto a si...

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