On Reconstructing the Past

The realization has caused me to review the validity of my recollections while piquing my curiosity. There is uncertainty in me as to where reality and imagination begin and end. I question how many moments I have reshaped, redefined, or added upon to satisfy emotional need?
I want to know if I am the only one who sees his past this way.
As I run through the sum experiences of my life, reviewing the disjointed and disparate recollections that have managed to pierce their way into my consciousness.
A new question presents itself. Why are seemingly inconsequential memories vividly recalled while those of greater importance seem to slip and slither away?
I have tried to understand this conundrum the last two days, giving myself over to active introspection. I have tried to identify the pattern that explains the why of me through old photos, discussions with others, and even meditative solitude; all in an effort to find a reasonable conclusion.
I have given up, having become convinced that there is no such thing as reasonable conclusions.